Salsa en clave

My pedagogy

La clave

Learn with Felipe Polanco

Salsa is a blend of Caribbean and African rhythms. It’s a music full of essence and flavor that transmits multiple sensations when danced to. Its rhythmic base, “la clave”, enables the dancer to hold the rhythm within the melody. I base my teaching on learning the clave and a subtle blend of musicality and original choreographic creations. The clave is both a musical instrument and the fundamental rhythm of salsa. To dance salsa en clave, you need to rely on this rhythmic pulse and not on a simple beat count.

My courses

My classes are aimed at adults who want to learn to dance, gain in ease and fluidity, and improve their skills in dance solos known as shines. Shines are combinations of footwork that allow you to enrich your couple dancing with a short period of solo dancing. It’s also the perfect time to express your creativity and improvise. The course is divided into 2 parts: a shine (30 min) and a choreographed couple routine (1h).

Monday: Salsa Intermediate 1

19:00 to 20:30

Espace Silvia Montfort

Salle Rose 2 bis Rue Elzevir, 75003 Paris This level is for anyone who has already danced (Latino or other, for at least one year).
This class covers: musicality, basic steps on the clave, shine combinations and couple guidance figures.

Wednesday: Salsa intermediate 2 / advanced

19:00 to 20:30

Le carreau du temple

4 Rue Eugène Spuller, 75003 Paris This level presupposes mastery of the clave, basic steps and figures of partner dancing.
In this class, you’ll learn complex figures and shines, while deepening your understanding of the music.
Guiding techniques are precise and the emphasis is on fluidity and elegance.